A dog, playing in the snow


An integral part of providing the best possible care for your pet is our pharmacy. From allergy and arthritis medications to chemotherapy, we provide safe and effective choices for your furry family. We believe it is important for you as a pet parent to understand which medications we prescribe for you pet and why. We take the time to discuss with you different dosing options and routes of administration to make medicating your pet as easy as possible.

We understand that the cost of medications can be high and we work hard to offer the best in veterinary pharmaceuticals at an affordable price. If you ever have a concern about the cost of a medication, please let us know. Sometimes pills sizes or frequency can be adjusted to make the drug more affordable.

It can be tempting to order medications through an online pharmacy but it is important to be careful. The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy reviewed 11,000 of these pharmacies and found that 96% operated in conflict with pharmacy laws and practice standards. If convenience is the issue, we are happy to mail any non-controlled medications to your home.

Parasites are a threat to pets of all ages and because so, we advise that our patients received monthly heartworm and external parasite prevention. These monthly medications are available in both topical and oral preparations. We are glad to work with you to make the best choice for your pet based on age, lifestyle and risk of infection.